The Polk County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday at the Polk County Government Center after they set the final levy.


Polk County Engineer Richard Sanders addressed the board and was searching for approval regarding the purchase of a loader-mounted snow blower. The highway department received a quote for a Larue d50 snow blower from McQueen out of Minneapolis for approximately $227,000.

The board approved the purchase, and the funds used for the purchase will be out of the 2024 Polk County Highway Department budget. “In a typical winter, we get wind blizzards and a lot of drifting areas in the county that fill in,” said Sanders, “We have to snow blow that snow out. The county owns two snow blowers. One is a self-propelled snow blower unit, and the other is this front-end loader attached snow blower, and these blowers go out county wide and snow blow intersections and dips where roads fill in with snow whenever they need to.”

Sanders also explained that this winter has been mild, and the blowers have not been used yet. However, when major blizzards come about, it is vital to Polk County residents that the streets and highways are clear to drive on. The commissioners ultimately approved the purchase of the snow blower.

The board also approved the application for the Bridge Improvement Program/Raise grant to replace the Miesville bridge. In addition, Widseth agreed to write the budget for the application.

“As part of the federal IIJA transportation bill that the feds passed two years ago, there are grants available for locals to apply for,” said Sanders, “Last year, we had Widseth help us with writing a grant for the bridge improvement program. This was to replace the Miesville bridge and the bridge between Hendrum and Norman County.”

Widseth will now update and improve the application submitted to last year’s program and put together the Raise Grant application. As part of the state’s passed transportation bill, they have allocated funds to help counties apply for these grants, and the state can pay up to $30,000 to help spread.


Environmental Services Director Jon Steiner discussed the disbursements of Polk County Hauler Licenses with the board. This will allow waste haulers not to get charged for the disposal of waste in the county.

“This will set the standard for a couple of different things; it allows them to collect waste in Polk County to run at one of the disposable facilities,” said Steiner, “We also charge the tip fee disposal for the household garbage on the tax statement that the hauler does not get charged for at the facility. This is our way of making sure they collect waste under that agreement that they will not get charged.” The board approved the hauler’s license to Beltrami County, Hubbard County, Mahnomen County, Norman County, and Clearwater County.

“We’re also making sure their remaining taxes to the state, and the vehicles are in good standing, they have insurance and bonding if there is a problem,” said Steiner, “The equipment needs to meet D.O.T specs and make sure there aren’t problems with leaking.”

The meeting ended with the board addressing the issue forum, where they made a motion to appoint Judy Meyer to the Extension Committee to serve the last two years of the 2023-2025 term, replacing Brad Grunhovd.

The Polk County Commissioners will meet next Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

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