Polk County Sheriff Jim Tadman has issued the following press release on what Polk County is doing to combat and prepare for COVID-19.  The press release is below-

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Polk County Public Health, along with all Polk County Department Heads, Crookston Police Chief Paul Biermaier, and East Grand Forks Police Chief Mike Hedlund, have been meeting, planning, and discussing information coming from the CDC, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and their other partners concerning the public health threat arising from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. While as of this hour, there are no known cases of any Polk County residents who are infected with the virus, we are ready to do everything we can to keep both our citizens and our employees healthy.

As Sheriff, I am also working closely with our Emergency Manager Jody Beauchane and Director of Public Health Sarah Reese to ensure all precautionary and necessary measures will be implemented in this rapidly changing environment.

Currently, Polk County is implementing social distancing measures and personal protective measures (staying home when sick, hand washing, respiratory etiquette and cleaning frequently touched surfaces).   For employees, we are encouraging those who are sick or feeling ill to stay home and work with their health care provider as is appropriate.   We are asking the public to follow the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health Guidelines concerning personal protective measures. Those measures include avoiding large gatherings, utilizing Social Distancing when in the public, washing hands frequently and avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.  These measures, along with other common-sense practices will help to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy and safe.

As an office, we are taking every step we can to ensure the health of our personnel. It is critical that Public Safety Personnel remain healthy so we can respond to calls and emergencies throughout Polk County.

Plans will be implemented, as needed, so all essential public safety services will be available.

More information will be coming out as data becomes available.   As you are aware, information is changing rapidly. In the short-term, be aware of your own circumstances and follow all the guidelines which are recommended by the CDC, the MDH as well as Polk County Public Health. Please see the links below which have the latest information which is intended to assist you and your family in staying healthy.

We are asking for your understanding and patience as we all live with the stress and uncertainty of the evolving public health pandemic concerning COVID-19.

