The movie Loon, directed by Crookston native Charles Eickhof will premiere at 7:00 p.m. tonight in Downtown Crookston at the Grand Theatre. Charles and his cousin Kale Eickhof wrote and shot the movie locally during the pandemic over the course of just under three weeks. There will also be a red-carpet event held at 6:00 p.m. before the movie begins and a question-and-answer period after the movie is over.

Kale talked about the inspiration behind the film and how it started. “Last summer, we were just brainstorming, and my mother said the phrase “loontanic,” said Kale. “From there, it eventually sparked the inspiration of the film, and after a couple of days, we plotted out the whole movie.”

The cousins said they weren’t going to mention the idea to anyone but then did. This led to them wanting to take ownership of the idea and eventually shooting the film. The movie is roughly an hour and a half and features a variety of people from Crookston the film including Mario Schisano and Anna Huck.

The movie already has sold out; however, the new plan for this evening is to loop it on the second theatre screen, meaning more tickets will be available. “For tonight, we decided to loop the film on screen 2 of the theatre,” said Charles. So, there will be some tickets for sale for people who want to come by around 6:00 p.m. at the Grand Theatre. We look forward to expanding the availability of viewership for the evening.”

The movie will also be making a return a couple of months from now for people who miss out on the opportunity tonight. “Will be bringing it back in a couple of months now to the Grand Theatre as well as in East Grand Forks,” said Charles. “That will be for a couple of weeks for people who want to see the film.”

Ticket prices for tonight will be $10 a person, and the movie is rated B-Horror. However, the cousins are encouraging people to check it out because you will need to see the movie to understand what it’s about.