Representative Steve Gander sworn in for first term

Representative Steve Gander (R – East Grand Forks) was officially sworn in for his first term in the Minnesota House of Representatives as the 2025 Legislative Session began. 

“I’m honored to join my colleagues in serving the people of Minnesota,” said Rep. Gander, “This session, House Republicans are focused on tackling the real issues faced by families across our state—issues like reducing the tax burden, making sure our elections are secure, and putting an end to fraud in government programs. But it’s not just about today; it’s about building a future where all Minnesotans feel heard and represented. We’ve got a lot of work ahead, and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to it.”

Rep. Gander’s first months in the legislature will be focused on work in House committees. For the 2025-2026 legislative biennium, Gander will serve on the Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee, as well as the Human Services Finance and Policy Committee — Committees that reflect his strong commitment to supporting both Minnesota’s agricultural industry and ensuring our healthcare and social services are effective, efficient, and responsive.

“I’ve always believed in getting things done by working with others to find practical, common-sense solutions,” Gander continued. “That’s what I plan to do this session—whether it’s making sure our farmers have the support they need, improving access to healthcare, or ensuring that our state government is held accountable to taxpayers. My number one objective is to bring our state together in a cohesive and motivated fashion.”

Rep. Gander encourages constituents in District 1B to stay involved and reach out if they have any legislative questions or concerns. He is always ready to listen to those he serves and values their ideas and feedback. Rep. Gander can be reached at 651-296-5091 or via email at To stay informed, constituents can subscribe to his newsletter at 

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