Senator Mark Johnson (R-East Grand Forks) presented legislation Wednesday that would support Minnesota’s public libraries.  The bill, S.F. 1704, increases and stabilizes funding for the state’s libraries.

“Benjamin Franklin’s revolutionary idea of a public library is still benefiting our great state. Minnesotans continue to use libraries because they offer a place to learn and build community,” said Senator Johnson. “I enjoy our local libraries and will work to secure their future.

Senator Johnson’s legislation would increase state funding to the 12 regional public library systems by $4 million each year. The last time Minnesota libraries saw an increase to their support was back in 2007.

The bill also amends the distribution formula for the 12 regional library systems, a move that’s supported by all 12 regional library boards. The formula change will stabilize funding to each region by reducing the volatile equalization factor and increasing the basic aid portion of the formula.

“Some say advances in internet capacity are making libraries irrelevant, I couldn’t disagree more” continued Senator Johnson. “Demand for library services is steady and even increasing. Citizens of all ages rely on public libraries for lifelong learning and literacy.”