Governor Tim Walz released his proposal for the upcoming two-year state budget on Tuesday. The Governor’s $52 billion budget proposal, including budgeted reserves, would be the largest budget in state history and represents an 8.1% increase over the previous state budget. In response, Senator Mark Johnson (R-East Grand Forks) issued the following statement:

“Governor Walz unveiled his budget for the state, and like his predecessor, the Governor has outlined his desire to burden Minnesotans with higher taxes and fees along with attacks on the Second Amendment. With the economic challenges on Minnesota horizon and one of the highest tax burdens in the nation, it is simply irresponsible for the Governor tax and spend in such a reckless way.”

“Fundamental government reforms need to take place. Simply taxing and spending is not how we move our state forward. I believe we need a new way of thinking -not this failed approach – to keep Minnesota prosperous.”

Governor Walz’s proposal would raise Minnesota’s gas tax by twenty cents, representing a massive 70 percent increase and vaulting Minnesota’s gas tax to 4th highest in the nation. It also includes increases to tab fees, the motor vehicle sales tax, the Metro Area sales tax, business taxes, and reinstatement of the sick tax, which is set to expire at the end of the year and would add $1 billion to the cost of healthcare for Minnesotans over the next two years.

You can watch the full Republican response to the Governor’s budget here.