On Monday, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency approved Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement construction stormwater permit. This was the final permit required before Enbridge can begin construction of the replacement pipeline.

“Today’s announcement is the long-awaited news communities across Northern Minnesota were waiting to hear. Our Covid-battered economy and the safety of our residents and environment can all benefit from this project,” said Senator Mark Johnson (R-East Grand Forks). “For six years, Enbridge and the state have dedicated resources and time to create a safe replacement line. I am excited to see this project begin.

Unfortunately, there is still a risk that the Governor’s reluctance to support the project could again hamstring this critical work.  The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) may still hold a special meeting that could produce a stay, halting the 3 Replacement construction until the court of appeals case has concluded. It is my hope that no unreasonable stay is granted. As our economy continues to suffer from COVID and the ongoing lockdown, we must work together to secure high paying jobs and safer energy for Minnesotans when we need them most.”

Enbridge’s Line 3 stretches from Alberta, Canada, to a major oil distribution terminal at Superior, Wis. The line cuts across the northeast corner of North Dakota and continues across all of northern Minnesota. The line in Minnesota is the only portion of the line that has yet to be replaced. The other segments of the old line in Canada, North Dakota, and Wisconsin have already been replaced with a modern, safer, and technically superior pipeline.