In 1925, Helen Keller challenged Lions Club International, then in its infancy, to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Since that time one of the pillars of the Lions Club has been helping people with visual impairments.
The Helen Keller Award was established in 1992 to honor an exceptional Lion, Lioness, non-Lion individual, business or organization who demonstrates a caring and commitment to those less fortunate than themselves or to the Lions sight mission.
This year the Crookston Lions have presented the Helen Keller Award to Steve Krueger who has served on the Lions board since 2015. The award came as a surprise to Krueger, “they do a great job when they choose the winner, the recipients do not know,” said Krueger. “As a board member, they had to keep it extra secret from me. It took me by great surprise and about half-way into it I thought, kind of that sounds like me.”
Krueger has a long list of involvements in the Crookston community both past and present including co-chairing the youth golf tournament, chairing the Ox Cart Parade, RibFest and coordinating a picnic for residents at the Care & Share in September to unveil the new dorm the Lions were a leader in creating. Krueger is also known for his work as an MC for Lions events, AAA banquet, and other events. As well as for being at the controls of the soundboard for events like Miss Crookston pageant, high school, and community theatre and music performances, and the many evenings he spends traveling to area towns to record their Christmas concerts.
“It was a great surprise, great honor,” said Krueger. “I’ve had a lot of fun and I really enjoy the projects we work on every year and I really appreciate that honor from the Crookston Lions.”