Government Center

news, Uncategorized

Widseth of Crookston to design Maple Lake Area Multi-Use Trails

The Polk County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday at the Government Center.  Assistant Environmental Services Administrator for Polk County, Jake Snyder, brought two items to the board for approval. The first was a Resolution for a Conditional Use Permit for Dave Scherfenberg for his property on Maple Lake. Snyder reminded the board that in […]


Polk County Board of Commissioners Closes in on Budget Deadline

The Polk County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, December 3, at 1:00 p.m.  The Board met at the Polk County Transfer Station as the Government Center was closed Monday due to a water main break. The Consent Agenda today included approval of the following: the November 19 Board minutes, the Auditor Warrants, a payment to


Polk County Commissioners Set Preliminary Levy at 5% Increase

The Polk County Commissioners met Tuesday September 24, at the Government Center.  The Agenda for the meeting and the Consent Items, which consisted of approving the Board Minutes from the September 17 and September 18 meetings, were approved. Sam Melbye, Director of Property Records, asked the Board today to authorize Mark Landsverk, Polk County Assessor,

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