The Tri-Valley Opportunity Council’s Foster Grandparent Program connects senior volunteers with local schools such as Crookston High School, Highland Elementary, Washington Elementary, Our Savior’s Lutheran School, the East Grand Fork and Crookston Head Start, and Fertile-Beltrami.  The volunteers are welcomed in the classrooms to mentor and tutor students with special or exceptional needs becoming a staple in the educational environment and in the lives of many students through relationships built during the school year.

The Foster Grandparent Program was one of this year’s grant recipients from the United Way of Crookston.  Marley Melbye, who coordinates the program for Tri-Valley, thanked the donors who made the grant from the United Way possible. “On behalf of our staff and volunteers I want to thank each and every one of the United Way’s generous donors,” said Melbye. “We know that during this time it is extremely difficult to make a decision to donate a dollar to local organizations and groups. So, for your decision, we thank you.”

Melbye said the program provides an opportunity for seniors to help today’s youth make academic gains. “The Foster Grandparent program is all about providing senior volunteers an opportunity to enter the classroom and work with today’s youth in making academic gains,” said Melbye. “The volunteers get to work one on one or in small groups to help students that may need a little extra help in the classroom. The volunteers adapt to this role and value every student that they come in contact with.”

This volunteer opportunity provides many seniors with something to look forward to, a purpose and it provides them with a larger support system than they would normally have. There are countless stories of when the extended support was vital to the volunteers. One volunteer who is currently going through cancer treatment stated that going to school and being with the students has kept her going through all the ups and downs of treatment.

Another volunteer celebrated her 90th Birthday with the school throwing her a party, with numerous past and current students creating a piece of artwork to celebrate the longtime volunteer. Another volunteer who has numerous health issues that limit mobility has found a way to connect with students through creating animated videos of students’ written stories to see their imagination come to life and this volunteer as said that he feels like these students bring him purpose. The support brought to both the volunteer and student is rooted deep and has a lasting impact.

Melbye said the funds from the United Way help ensure trained volunteers are working with students and provide mileage reimbursement for those volunteers. “The United Way dollars that we receive help us to ensure that we are ending in volunteers that are trained, have been background check, and so that our volunteers receive mileage reimbursement for their travels back and forth from the school and local day care,” said Melbye. “It also ensures that we get to say a big thank you for the countless hours that our volunteers give to our youth and students in our local communities.”

Tri-Valley Foster Grandparent Program United Way Thank You (2020)