Trinity Lutheran Church in Crookston will hold services on Sunday, March 15.  A release from Reverend Gregory Isaacson is below –

In this time of anxiety and infectious disease it is important to turn to our faith in God and to love our neighbor. By prayer and calm reflection, we live into our calling to be children of God and servants of God’s making.

At Trinity Lutheran we feel confident in holding worship services on Sunday, March 15. In keeping with government recommendations we do gather with under 250 in attendance. We anticipate a smaller turn out and feel that we can practice social distance. As such, we recommend that those who find themselves in a vulnerable population or are sick in anyway should stay home and take advantage of our radio or cable television broadcast. Since there are no known cases of COVID-19 in Polk County we feel healthy individuals can and should attend worship. We will use safe practices such as no hand shaking or any physical contact. A simple wave and a smile can greet our friends.

While many of us are frustrated by the inconveniences of public policy recommendations, we should keep in mind those most affected: those not earning incomes, without sick leave, caring for family members, children without school lunches, etc. As we turn to our Christian faith for strength may we also check on our families, neighbors, and friends as to their welfare and provide assistance where we can.

Each Sunday going forward will be evaluated as to recommendations. Should we find the need to not hold Sunday worship services, we will always do the broadcasts and encourage people to participate in this way. Should you need pastoral care, please call the church office to let us know. God’s blessings as we navigate these new waters yet still see to the spiritual care of our community.

Peace, Rev. Gregory Isaacson


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