Hopefully everyone reading this had a great holiday season connecting with family and friends. During the holiday season, we were reminded of the importance of spending time together, however, in today’s world of technology how much time is truly spent on connecting? As I reflect on this, I realize that I am probably the most guilty person in the city when it comes to spending time without connection thanks to my continued obsession with checking my phone. It is bad; I hear that ding and I get the itch to check my phone. This is written from a place of guilt and self reflection, not from the perspective of having any moral high ground. After all, there are a lot of things to keep track of in our busy lives; however, is this really more important than spending time with the ones we love?

How many minutes, hours, and days have we missed connecting with our family? Are we checking our phones before greeting our kids? What message are we sending our kids when we prioritize electronics above spending time with them? I am not railing on the evil of technology, I am not advocating a stoppage in use of these important devices. What I am advocating for is to use electronic devices in moderation while putting the connections with your family first. Your kids and family need you, they need to know that they are the priority, not a priority. 

So as we move into 2020, let’s put down the phone, turn off the tablet, and spend time connecting with those around you. Our kids are only with us for a short time, lets make these moments count!

School Board Reorganization Meeting: January 6th at 7am in the School District Conference Room. Every year the School Board is required to reorganize to choose officers, committee assignments, and set the time, place, and schedule of regular meetings. 

School Board Meeting Schedule: The Crookston School Board Regular Meeting Schedule is set for the 4th Monday each month starting at 5 pm unless otherwise posted. Current meetings are at the Crookston High School Choir Room.  

Bus Garage Process: The School District is working on some fine tuning of the bus garage project such as where electrical outlets will go and so forth. Our architect firm ICON is working on putting together bid specs that are scheduled to be released in January. The projected bid opening window will be in February. If the School Board accepts these bids, we would be looking at an April/May 2020 start of construction with construction to be completed most likely late fall of 2020. We are also working in close proximity with the city on the next steps for our current bus garage. We want to ensure that we are good neighbors that contribute to the health and vitality of Crookston and therefore want to ensure that the transition from this property are done with the best interests of the City of Crookston in mind. 

Enrollment: We continue to see stronger than projected enrollment at Crookston Public Schools which is exciting to see. Our current enrollment stands at 1131. 

Gifted and talented programming at Highland which focuses on challenging students who are identified as being extremely strong academically. 

Intervention program for 7th and 8th grade students who need additional assistance. 

Expanded Preschool options: Crookston Public Schools offers an option of ½ Preschool for 3 and 4 year olds or a full day four day a week program for four year olds. 

We have a lot to be proud of at Crookston Public Schools! Thank you to the community for your continued support of our district! 

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