Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Here is an update with the latest news from St. Paul.

Bill Hearings

I had a hearing this week for HF 1290, a bill that will expand existing requirements and penalties related to railroad crossings in order to increase railroad safety. My bill was passed and referred to the General Register. I also presented HF 1131, which makes changes to the Local Government Aid formula for East Grand Forks. That bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus tax bill.

Relief for Farm Building Roof Collapses

Yesterday during session, we unanimously passed Senate File 2225, which expands the disaster recovery loan program in response to the recent collapse of many farm building roofs. The loan program will now allow farmers to access the disaster recovery loan program to repair their farm buildings when they’re damaged by the weight of snow, sleet, or ice. I am a co-author on this important bill, which will hopefully be signed by the Governor very soon.

Disaster Contingency Account

On Monday, several House Republicans held a press conference calling for additional funding for the Minnesota Disaster Contingency Account. The account is empty following two major floods last year, and it is extremely important that it be replenished before the extensive flooding coming this spring. I am a co-author of HF 2317, a bill that would appropriate $20 million in both 2019 and 2020, so that we can respond quickly to the flooding emergencies that will affect many of our communities in the coming months.

CCAP Fraud Report

On Wednesday, the nonpartisan Office of the Legislative Auditor released a report of their investigation into fraud in the CCAP program. The investigation found rampant fraud and a lack of internal controls at the Department of Human Services, making prosecuting fraud very difficult. House Republicans have introduced several bills that would address the concerns of the Legislative Auditor, but have not received hearings.


I always enjoy visiting with constituents – below are a couple of pictures from my recent visits!

It’s an honor and privilege to work for you at the Capitol. Don’t hesitate to contact my office at any time this session to share your thoughts, concerns or ideas. I am here to serve you!



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