Warren-Alvarado-Oslo will hold graduation Friday night at 9 p.m. at the Sky-Vu drive-in. Principal Ben Miska said students will meet at the high school and parade through town out to the drive-in for the ceremony. “Our plan is to have kids line up at the school, one vehicle per graduate,” said Miska. “We’re going to parade them through town out to the drive-in.  Allow them and two additional vehicles out at the drive-in and watch the ceremony on the screen there. Steve Novak (Sky-Vu owner) has been great to work with to try to put this together. When we first started to talk about what graduation couldn’t look like and the state’s guidance that you could do an in-vehicle situation, we decided to try to go down that avenue knowing that we had that resource in our communities.”

Miska said the school is putting together and merging videos of music, speeches, and recognition. “Our plan is to have a ceremony that looks as similar as possible to what we’d do normally in our auditorium and follow the same routine that we can watch together on the screen,” said Miska. “We’re going to go through a process of putting videos together ahead of time, merging it together and being able to watch it on the screen with speeches by seniors, some musical pieces.  Video of the senior announcing their names and recognizing the honors students as well.”

Miska also shared a message for the Class of 2020. “We apologize so much to the seniors that they’re going through this,” said Miska.  “But I just want to remind them its not the moments in life necessarily, it’s how you respond to those moments. This 2020 class, throughout the years, have had moments that they’ve responded to in great ways. They’ve left us a lot of memories.  They are a great class and we thank them for all they’ve done.”

The Warren-Alvarado-Oslo graduating class of 2020 is Morgan Anderson, Ashia Balzaum, Dylan Bergh, Janah Berry, Isaiah Branch, Sydney Bring, Savannah Carlson, Addie DeMars, Shelby Durand, Ruby Gonzalez, Brooke Hanson, Kyle Hanson, Jared Johnson, Gunnar Jorgensen, Carter Maruska, Earl McGregor, Brandon Miller, Rylie Mortimer, Connor Narlock, Emma Oberg, Izmahi Perez, Ashley Rodriguez, Mackenzie Roller, Sydni Schroeder, Kelsey Smith, Kylee Swanson, Shaye Thielson, Enrique Vela, and Matthew Weiland.

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