The Ways & Means Committee will meet Monday immediately following City Council in the Council Chambers and in the conference room at City Hall.  The agenda includes approving the August 12 and August 19 meeting minutes , the Eickhof Blvd extension request and land donation from Bob Herkenhoff, a request to donate three surplus sirens to a Scout Camp, discussion about replacing the sidewalk pavers near Subway with concrete, determining the process for appointing a Ward 6 Council Member and the 2018 Audit Report.

The committee will also review the following budgets: Administrative Office, City Clerk’s Office, Ordinance & Proceedings, Professional Fees, Legal Expense, and City Hall.  They will also discuss the preliminary 2020 levy.  All the proposed budgets total $11,678,576, an increase from 2019 of $712,010.  If unchanged it would represent a 6.10 percent levy increase.  The preliminary levy is required to be set by September 30.