The Crookston School Board will meet Monday afternoon in the Choir/Orchestra room at the Crookston High School.  The meeting will begin with the election of officers.
Corky Reynolds, Crookston Pirate Boosters President, will make a presentation on the Crookston Pirate Boosters Club.

The consent agenda consists of approving the December 10 and December 20 meeting minutes, approve the December Interim checks in the amount of $87,892.86, approve MSHSL Form B Grant Request, Accept Grants/Donations of $1,470 from MSHSL for student participation, $1,00 from Digi-Key for choir performances at Christmas party to go to the music department.

The following personnel items are also included, accept resignation letter from Alma Pierce, ELL teacher, approve employment of Cheryl Bingham, a paraprofessional at Highland, approve employment of Maria Argueta, ELL teacher, approve the employment agreement with Ken Olson, bus driver/mechanic, and approve a leave of absence letter for Leah Zimmerman.

The main agenda includes approving resolutions directing the administration to make recommendations for reductions in programs and positions with reasons therefor, designate official law firms as Rust, Stock & Rust, P.A. and Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A.; designate official media outlets at KROX AM Radio and Crookston Daily Times; set school board meeting times and dates; approve school board committee assignments; approve additional early out dismissal for grades 7-12 on February 22; approve proposal for Vision Planning contract with Big River Group, LLC; approve Achievement and Integration Plan; discuss Minnesota School Board legislative agenda; discuss Supt. Jeremy Olson mid-year evaluation.

The report scheduled during the meeting is from Superintendent Jeremy Olson.

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