Crookston’s own Tim Dufault represented the Minnesota Wheat Council during the Governor’s Trade mission to the U.K. and Finland from November 13-19. There were four separate groups on the trip representing Agriculture, Education, Medical Technology, and Environmental Sciences, with the hope to build relationships and potential future business.

Several people and commodity groups were invited along for the Trade Mission, and 67 total people attended the trip from Minnesota, with 19 of them being from the agriculture group. Dufault said it was a hectic week. “We had a busy week over there, that’s for sure. It was a tight schedule moving from one meeting to the next,” said Dufault. “Covid threw a wrench into things as well because we had to be tested a few times while we were over there. Success wise that will take years to decide. On the Agriculture side of things, we weren’t on the trip to sign contracts but rather build relationships while we were over there.”

Dufault flew out on Saturday afternoon, November 13, and arrived in London on Sunday, November 14, before returning home on Friday, November 19. He said it was both what he expected it to be, while also a bit of a surprise. “It was a little bit of what I expected, and there was also a little bit that I didn’t expect,” said Dufault. “Seeing higher government operate the way they do was interesting. Overall, it was a very good trip.”

A lot of trade goes back and forth between the United States and Britain, and Dufault said one statistic he learned during the trip surprised him. “I found out that trade between Minnesota and Great Britain accounts for 20,000 jobs in Minnesota,” said Dufault. “It is a big deal, and there were some other private businesses along that signed some contracts, but as far as agriculture goes, it was more about building relationships. I made my case for Minnesota Wheat when I could, especially with Great Britain exiting the European Union because French Wheat was a big component of their imports. So maybe we will get into some of that down the road.”

The United States and the United Kingdom have been in negotiations for free trade agreements for some time. After the conclusion of this latest trip, Dufault highlighted the next steps in the negotiations. “The next steps will definitely be the free trade agreements and how those come along,” said Dufault. “For Wheat, our national organization, the U.S. Wheat Associates will keep a closer eye on that more so than just the Minnesota group.”

All things considered, Dufault believes it was a successful trip and an excellent outreach for Minnesota Wheat and other commodity groups. “This is a good outreach and good use of the Minnesota powers,” said Dufault. “When you’re able to have the Governor come along, you’re able to get into more doors that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to. As far as Minnesota Wheat goes, this was probably the first time we’ve been invited because it was an area where Wheat was an important commodity. It was a very good trip.”

Another Crookston native Eric Samuelson attended the trip representing the North Harvest Bean Growers Association as the chairman. A few pictures of Dufault and Samuelson while on the trip can be found down below –

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