Crookston School Board to meet on Monday

The Crookston School Board will meet on Monday, September 23 at the Crookston High School Choir/Orchestra room at 5:00 p.m.
The consent agenda includes the following personnel items – approve employment of Emma Mekkes as a paraprofessional at Highland School, Mary Ramirez as a School Age Care Instructional Aide at Highland School, Trista O’Meara and Kayla LouCoursiere as Instructional Assistants at Highland School, and Annika Cuevas as a Success Coach at the High School.
The board will also be asked to accept the resignation from Katie Chaput Strom as a paraprofessional, Brandon Neibauer-Adams as Junior High One-Act Play Director and Head Speech Coach.
The board will also look at approving the master agreement with the Instructional Assistants for the 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 school years.
The main agenda includes the approval of a preliminary levy certification. They will discuss and approve the substitute teacher’s rate of pay. They will discuss and approve the READ Act training for new staff and discuss a memorandum of understanding for the READ Act. 

After the meeting, there will be a closed meeting to discuss two items. They will discuss the preliminary consideration of allegations or charges against individual subject to the board’s employee. They will also discuss the preliminary consideration of allegations or charges against an individual subject to a School District Employee. 

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