Crookston Middle School is ready for the 2024-25 school year

With Labor Day weekend fast approaching, Crookston Schools are all a buzz, readying themselves for the first day of classes.  Middle School Principal Cierra Hangsleben has been busy with meetings and said they are ready for the new school year. “Yes, we are excited, this time of year is always exciting for me, I loved school growing up I know it may not have been for everybody but we are excited to have staff but we can’t wait for kids to come back,” says Hangsleben.

Last school year, some changes were implemented, and the sixth-grade class from Highland was moved to the High School Campus. When asked how this worked out, Principal Hangsleben said it was really a positive change. “The kids did awesome. Kids are pretty resilient,” said Hengsleben. “They kind of just go with the flow. They don’t really know any different, so we just walked through policies and procedures, and when things came up, we addressed them.”

The transition was made easier by Advisory Teachers who helped the kids fall into a routine at the new school. “We have Advisory teachers, and our Advisory Teachers are awesome at helping them. We do little fun activities to get them help practicing opening their lockers and locker wars and timing, you know, to try to make fun out of the things they have to learn,” said Hengsleben. “The kids did great; I was really proud of them.”

When asked about the Cell Phone Policy changes, Principal Hangsleben says it doesn’t change much for Middle School except for the Smart Watches. “Maybe the biggest shift will be the Smart Watches; that will be a little bit of an adjustment,” said Hangsleben. “The expectation is that those go in their lockers from 8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. and are turned off.”

Principal Hangsleben says there isn’t much change this year, and she is just excited to get the students back and for them to start learning.

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