The COVID-19 pandemic has made lasting impacts on everyone in the world, and while the pandemic is seemingly near its end, its effects on the people that contracted it can leave devastating results. Causing many to have lost loved ones or put them in critical conditions with unknown effects on their health in the future. One of these affected people was Paul Dragseth, who had contracted COVID and died from it last December. Before anyone could truly move on from his death, his Hired Man and close friend, Darrin Bekkedahl, contracted it soon after him in January.

For the past three months, Bekkedahl has been in intensive care at the Sanford Urgent Care Center in Fargo, where he had relapsed and been put into an induced coma for three weeks. He has since been released and was moved to the Benedictine Villa St. Vincent Nursing Home in Crookston on Friday, April 8 but is far from being fully recovered. “He’s out of intensive care, but his legs aren’t working, so he still has an uphill battle to go.” Dragseth’s father, Allan Dragseth, explained, “Many people just get a runny nose when they get COVID, and he’s really had it. He still has many weeks or months to recover because they have to get his legs working again.”

To help Bekkedahl with his high-costing hospital bills, Paul Dragseth’s father, Allan Dragseth, opened a Benefit’s Account under Bekkedahl’s name at the United Valley Bank in Crookston and is reaching out to the community to help raise money for Bekkedahl to pay his hospital bills. “He’s going to have some “terrific” hospital bills, I’m sure, so I set up an account at the United Valley Bank.” Dragseth explained, “So if anybody would want to donate to that account, they can drop it off under his name, Darrin Bekkedahl, and see if we can raise some money for him.” Dragseth says that there’s no limit or minimum to what people can donate to the account and can do it in any way they can to help pay for Darrin’s recovery. “The easiest way for them to donate would be for people to go into the United Valley Bank or mail it to them under the name, “The Darrin Bekkendahl Benefit Account,” Dragseth explained.

Donations to help Darrin Bekkedahl can be dropped off or mailed to the United Valley Bank in Crookston under the Darin Bekkedahl Benefit Account. You can mail in your donations at-

United Valley Bank

C/O Darrin Bekkedahl Benefit Account

P.O. Box 619

Crookston, MN 56716

If you have any questions, you can call the account’s opener Allan Dragseth at 218-280-8181.

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