Crookston Middle School
The Crookston Middle School will have a dance on Friday, November 22, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Crookston High School commons. ($5 Admission)
The Crookston Middle School will have a dance on Friday, November 22, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Crookston High School commons. ($5 Admission)
The Northwest Regional Correction Center reported the arrest of the following- Miriah Larae Wadena, 25, no address listed, for failure to appear in court. Andrew James Ross Mullican, 20, of Crookston, for domestic assault and committed act to cause fear or immediate bodily harm to another. The Crookston Fire Department (CFD) responded to the following
The Northwest Regional Correction Center reported the arrest of the following- Jacob Lee Green, 46, no address listed, for fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle. Kyle Colton Nowacki, 29, of Grand Forks, for third-degree possession.
The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the following arrests. Brandon Alfred Nattrass, 31, no address provided, for Obstructing a Legal Process by interfering with a Peace Officer Aladdin Da’Jion Bankhead, 28, of Crookston, for Disorderly Conduct.
The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the following arrests. Augustin Urdain, 31, of Grand Forks, for Carry/Possessing a Pistol without a permit in a Public Place Lana Elise Clark, 35, no address provided, for 3rd-Degree Drug Possession of Methamphetamine in a School/Park/Public Housing Zone Jason Brain Ewing, 35, of East Grand Forks, for 3rd-Degree Drug
The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the following arrests. Alexander Joel Peterson, 27, of Crookston, Driving after the cancellation of his Driver’s License. Brandi Lee Goodbird, 42, of Mandaree, ND, for 2nd-Degree DUI Brett Lee Anderson, 43, of Crookston, for Obstructing Legal Process by Interfering with a Peace Officer The Crookston Fire Department (CFD) responded