The Polk County Commissioners on Tuesday passed a resolution to reconstruct and improve Polk County State Aid Highway 10, along with the East Shore of Maple Lake.  The improvement consists of rebuilding the roadway to provide back-in diagonal parking for the safety of the traveling public and those using the public access and beach area.  The Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Division of State Aid for Local Transportation have requested Polk County go thru the Variance Procedures as laid out in the State Aid Rules before proceeding. 

Polk County Engineer Rich Sanders explained the layout of the project.  “On East Shore currently we have our new CSAH 10 and then between CSAH 10 and Maple Lake is Old CSAH 10 along East Shore,” said Sanders.  “The project is going to include removing the old payment, building more beach there for people to use and access.  Then on the west side of CSAH 10, we will add back-in diagonal parking.”

The parking will be designed for traffic heading south on CSAH 10.  “As you come up to East Shore heading south you’ll stop and back into a diagonal parking spot instead of pulling in as you would in an urban section,” said Sanders.  “This is safer because if you think about parallel parking, you’re already stopping and trying to parallel park along the roadway. Diagonal parking gives you better access into that parking spot, and when you go to take off, you can see traffic out your driver’s side window instead of trying to look out the back window.  This will also be safer for picnickers who want to take stuff out of the back of their vehicle.  They’ll be facing the beach and able to open right out onto the beach, sit behind their vehicle to picnic and swim.”

The design is currently being done in-house by Polk County, and they hope to complete the project this upcoming construction season. 

The Commissioners approved their consent agenda which included approval of the commissioner warrants and sign audit list; a payment to Card Member Services out of St. Louis, MO for $11,524.52 for credit card purchases; a payment for Lost Warrant No. 520578 dated December 21, 2018 issued to Unique Security for $1,621.83; a payment for Lost Warrant No. 520339 dated December 21, 2018 issued to Acme Tools for $388.15; a payment to Brad Driscoll, Highway Department, in the amount of $246.14 for parts; a payment to HP Inc. of Boston, MA for $800.00 for computer office equipment for the Facilities Department. 

After a review of a proposed extension of one year for the Public Defenders Office lease in the Polk County Justice Center, the commissioners directed Polk County Administrator Chuck Whiting to continue negotiations to secure a multi-year contract.  Commissioner Gary Willhite said a two- or three-year agreement would firm up the county’s plans for that space.  “I’m not sure what their long-term plans are but obviously a year goes by pretty fast here,” said Willhite.  “Our thought is we’d like to see a two- or three-year commitment to firm that agreement up.”

Back In Angle Parking