The Crookston Housing and Economic Development Authority (CHEDA) Board will meet on Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. at Valley Technology Park (VTP).  Following the approval of the April 16 minutes, the consent agenda will include the Economic Development Administration (EDA) Financials, revolving loan status and finances, housing status and financials for properties and programs, CHEDA bills payable totaling $197,736.39 and the VTP financials and occupancy. 

The main agenda includes an amended resolution from 4-7-2019 for 2018 Capital Funds, a resolution accepting 2019 Capital Funds, a resolution for Civil Rights Certification, a B3 grant application for Drafts Sports Bar & Grill, a B3 grant application for Hair Connexion, a Northwest MN Foundation Child Care Grant, and child care center updates including Regal Academy.