Crookston High School Principal Nicki Martinez sent out the final Pirates’ Pride Newsletter of the school year this morning for the month of May. What the letter said can be seen below.

May Already?

This is the month all the students look forward to, and it’s a bittersweet time of the year.

What’s Bitter? What’s Sweet?

Bitter: Sometimes it’s the weather. Just ask any spring sports athlete, coach, or Greg Garmen.

Sweet: We are lucky to have such commitment from Greg and the coaches. I overhear conversations of coaches doing their best to get our students the activity they deserve, even when Mother Nature has other ideas.

Bitter: Sometimes it’s the rising waters.

Sweet: We have dedicated community members who understand how to take care of the greater good. We are fortunate that so many people were willing to help in a state of emergency.

Bitter: Sometimes it’s the end of the semester grades. Please check with the student(s) in your household and ask them if they need assistance with passing classes in the last three weeks.

Sweet: The good news is we have time to get some work handed in and quizzes or tests retaken. We also have PATCH available after school, and we have teachers who want all students to succeed.

Bitter: We don’t see our students for three months.

Sweet: We know they will be enjoying a rejuvenating summer break.

Principal Nicki Martinez

MCA Tests

Mr. Torgerson has worked tirelessly with staff and students to administer the MCA tests. We are to the point of science and a few makeup tests. Please help your 8th-grade and 10th-grade science students get the rest and nutrition they need during testing season. We will officially end the testing season on May 13.

Summer School

Students in grades 9-12 need to have passing grades to earn their credits and advance to the next grade. Students not passing at the end of the semester will need to retake the course and earn the credit. Retaking the course can be done by re-enrolling during the school year and/or by enrolling in summer school.

Summer school will be in June for those who are eligible. Watch for a letter from the counseling center with specific information for those who meet the requirements. Because of high enrollment, summer school will be offered to older students needing a few credits first and then others.

Summer School will be June 6-23 in either the a.m. (8:30-11:30) or p.m. (12:30-3:30). Those times will be determined by the counselor and administration.

Summer School Expectations:

  • Must arrive on time for the session and stay for the entire session.
  • If absent, teachers must be notified in advance.
  • Students must be making progress and finish at least one semester course (.5 credit) during this time.
  • Students absent for more than two days or not making progress will be dropped.
  • The maximum number of courses a student can recover is three courses (1.5 credits).

If you have questions or would like information about your child’s academic progress and credit recovery needs, please contact Tara Klein at 218-281-2144 or

Let’s Talk About Next Year

Our counselor, Tara Klein, and Mr. Torgerson have been working rigorously with the schedule and registration for next year. Please see the dates below regarding class schedules for 2022-2023.

May 9th – June 10th Course Requests altered by individual students in Skyward to reflect any failed courses (mostly grades 9-11)

June 13th – 17th Optimal Master Schedule created by Skyward

June 20th – June 30th Master Schedule released to teachers

June 20th – August 1st Individual Schedules altered based on specific student needs.

August 17th (Registration Night) ONLY new students to the district will have schedules created on this day. NO schedule CHANGES.

August 17th – September 7th Schedule changes can be requested through Google Form Tara will send out on August 17, 2022. These changes will be done by September 7, 2022.

Changes to past practices

  1. Only 11th and 12th graders are allowed to enroll in PSEO and CIHS at UMC (UMC policy)
  2. 10th, 11th, and 12th graders are allowed to enroll in PSEO at any Minnesota college or university if the university allows it and the student’s GPA is high enough. 10th graders are allowed to take only one CTE (career and technical education course) per semester based on achieved 8th grade MCA scores. (MN state PSEO legislative policy)
  3. Personal Finance at UMC is not a substitute for Economics at CHS. State standards are not met in that course.
  4. First Aid/CPR is not a substitute for PE credit at CHS. PE standards are not met in First Aid/CPR.

Tara is our resident scheduling expert. Please refer all scheduling questions/concerns to her.

Important Upcoming Dates

April – May MCA tests (test calendar)

May 9 Spring Orchestra Concert 7:30 p.m.

May 11 2W early out

May 15 NHS Induction Ceremony 5:00 p.m.

May 23-27 Finals Week

May 25 Senior Day

May 27 Last Day of school for students; Graduation Ceremony 7:00 p.m.