Thursday, July 8 was the last day to apply for the City of Crookston’s Parks & Recreation Director opening. There is no timeline on when a hire will be made, but all the applicants are officially in and will be reviewed soon.

City Administrator Amy Finch says it’s hard to narrow down the exact number of applications that will be accepted and moved on to the next phase of the process. “We probably received approximately 15 paper applications as well as some others through Indeed and other various websites,” said Finch. “Next step will be Human Resources going through them and making sure everyone qualifies, and then I’ll get a report back on that.”

From there, a review process will take place, and a hiring team will be set in place to interview specific candidates for the position. Members that will make up that team include Park Board representation and potential different parties that may be impacted by the hiring.

Finch says there are some good applicants. “I am excited about the number of applications we received,” said Finch. “I’ve only reviewed a brief number of them at this time, but we have a nice wide range of candidates, and it should be a good pool of candidates to go through.”

After the candidates have been selected, they will schedule interviews for the position.  Finch says she doesn’t have a strict timeline on when that will occur or when the position would be filled. “Our goal is to get it to the finish line as efficiently as possible, but I would never want to put a hard timeline on something like this,” said Finch. “If you go through an application pool and don’t get a candidate that you want for the position, then we would continue to search. The goal will be to get it done as quickly as possible while making sure we select the right person for the job.”