The Crookston Young Professionals held a Lunch and Learn Thursday, October 11 at Wonderful Life Foods in Crookston.  Attorney, Corky Reynolds shared his message on “Investing in Your Community,” the focus which was on the community and individual benefits from involvement and investment in community members and organizations.  Reynolds discussed his own history, which includes being born and raised in Crookston, getting offered a position with the MLB Commissioner’s office and returning to Crookston.  His talk also included the importance of being active in the community and creating connections with a variety of people throughout the community, something Reynolds has done throughout his life as a member of various organizations including the Crookston School Board, Crookston Baseball Association, Polk County Historical Society and several others.
When asked by one attendee how do you find the balance with investing time and energy to community organizations, family and work Reynolds said “I believe the investment in your community is the way to balance your life.  Burn out happens to many people who focus too much on work.  Investing in the community is a way to balance your efforts.” Reynolds also said he believes being active in the community allows someone to sharpen and develop skills they possess that they don’t necessarily use in their work environment.  It also creates an opportunity to know people outside of the work environment, whether that’s other members of the community or seeing a different side, away from work, of a co-worker who is involved in the same organizations.
The Young Professionals lunch and learn is coordinated by the Crookston Area Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau’s Growth and Development Committee.  Lunch and learn sessions are offered on various topics to help young professionals grow and develop as leaders in the Crookston community.  Co-Chair Crystal Maruska says young professionals are not defined by age but rather a philosophy of what is a young professional. “Young is not a number, and professional is not a status,“ said Maruska.  “We believe young professionals are generally in the first half of their career, community members who are good at what they want to do and want to better.”  Young professionals include laborers, parents, educators, small business owners, entrepreneurs, service leaders and so much more.
The Young Professional group allow the opportunity to meet other young professionals in the community, build relationships with community leaders, make your voice and ideas heard and keep creating jobs in northwest Minnesota.  The Growth and Development Committee also provides Leadership Crookston, which has had almost 500 attendees since 1987.  Membership in young professionals is available for $50 a year.