The Crookston Knights of Columbus and Red Lake Falls/Red Lake County Knights of Columbus will host their annual free-throw shooting contest on Sunday, January 19. More information on the contests is below.
The Crookston Knights of Columbus Council 1216 annual Free-Throw contest will be held on Sunday, January 19, at the Cathedral School gymnasium. Registration will be from Noon to 1:00 p.m., and the contest will start at 1:00 p.m. The contest is for boys and girls ages 9-14. If you have any questions, call John Bjorgo at 218-289-2540.
The Knights of Columbus annual Free Throw Contest will be held in Red Lake Falls at the High School gymnasium on Sunday, January 19th, starting at 1:00. This is for any girls and boys from the ages of 9-14 as of January 1. The gym will be open at 12:30 for practice. Ages 9-11 all shoot from 3 feet in front of the regular free throw line with a girls’ size basketball. Ages 12-14 will shoot from the regular free throw line, girls with the girls’ ball and boys with the boys’ ball. This competition on January 19th is the Local competition, and participants are only allowed to participate in 1 local competition each year. Winners will advance to the District competition, followed by Regional, State, and International levels. Contact any of the schools in Plummer, Oklee, and Red Lake Falls for a scoresheet. Any questions, contact Steve Philion at 218-686-3608.