The Crookston City Council met last night at the Crookston City Council chambers in the lower level of Crookston City Hall. Councilman, Steve Erickson was absent from the meeting.

The Council began with a presentation from Sachin Shivaram, the CEO of Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry, on their purchase of Dee Incorporated and their Economic Development for the City. Shivaram explained their excitement in moving and potentially opening new branches for their companies and spreading out here to Crookston, giving the populace many potential jobs to the city. The Council seemed pleased with the report and presentation.  “Some of the things they described in their brief presentation is some additional jobs will be added to that and moving away from some temp hires. So hopefully, he said about 100 jobs by the end of the year, which is really great for our community, as well as they’re planning on expanding their services and increasing revenues,” said City Administrator Amy Finch. “They’re a really great company that’s been working with Robert Barnes and then Christine Andersen over at SPDC. They’re great companies to work with, it seems like a really good fit for D Inc. and Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry, and we’re really excited to have them welcomed into our industrial family.”

The Consent Agenda included the approval of the proposed City Council Minutes from their last meeting on February 14. As well as the resolution to approve all of the City of Crookston Bills and Disbursements in the amount of $220,205.13.

The Council then heard from the Public on Street Improvements on five different streets throughout Crookston by local companies. “As we heard someone from the public asking today, if there’s any work that needs to be done, they will often try to time those street improvements if a water main or waterwork has to be done that would tear a street up, you certainly want to do that before you invest money laying resurfacing down. So, some of its timing and some of its just addressing some specific needs in those areas,” said Finch. The first is a reconstruction on First Avenue North, connecting Stearns Street to Albert Street Project 984, the second is a reconstruction on Second Avenue North, connecting Stearns Street to Albert Street Project 985. Both of the roads had the water mains underneath them repaired recently. The third is Full Depth Reclamation of Bituminous Mill & Overlay on Overlay Sunflower Street, connecting Third Avenue South to Crescent Avenue Project 986. The fourth is Bituminous Mill and Overlay on South Washington Street, connecting Trunk Highway 2 to Brower Street Project 987. There were concerns about the depth of an overlay for the street and they wished it could be deeper to prevent any more problems with the road’s overlays and asked how the payments would be paid: by footage or by the property value. It will be a $15 rate per footage. And the final being the Bituminous Wear Course on Eickhof Boulevard, 500 ft North of Prairie Rose to Fisher Avenue. The Council approved of all orders.

The regular agenda included the approval of the street improvements and Preparations. The Council then approved the addition of a temporary emergency holding facility for the Northwest Regional Corrections Center known as the Memorandum of Understanding. Jake Solberg came forward to explain the purpose of the Memorandum. In case of a natural emergency or emergency evacuation, a temporary holding facility could hold the inmates for at least 12 hours of food and care until they could be moved back. They will also get specific transportation to get all prisoners to the facility. They then continued the discussion of the search for the Interim Administrator that will take the temporary place of City Administrator, Amy Finch.

The Mayor explained his concerns and troubles with finding one and that he believed one of the City Attorneys would be a good choice to rise from their post to take the temporary position. The Mayor recommended City Attorney Charles “Corky” Reynolds due to their connection and close working relations with Finch. Police Chief Darinn Selzler volunteered himself to help out with anything they would need in the process saying that he knew the city well and has been in the Police and City Department for 18 years. And with his tenure as the Police Administrator, he had dealt with many different cases and feels he could help out during the transition. City Attorney Reynolds then approached the podium, thanking the Council for choosing him, saying he would work closely with the other department heads to keep their positions running well for the entire city. And due to all of his recent work, mainly as an attorney, he would make a good choice with his work for the community lately. The board then moved a motion consensus to make City Attorney Reynolds the Interim Administrator for the time being. “After the suggestion came up by Council Member Melbye at the last meeting, the City Attorney is already so intertwined with the work done with the city. They work very closely with the Administrator with individual department heads. I think there was a consensus among the department head team,” said current City Administrator Amy Finch. “We heard again tonight at the council meeting from the council members and the Mayor that we feel like this is the best recommendation that allows them to continue their day to day work to achieve their goals and progress that has been outlined for them through the budgeting process, through certain council priorities, through certain priorities that they have set within their departments without having to invest so much extra time getting external candidate up to speed on every item and issue that might come up,”

The Board then went to each department for their reports and updates. Incoming Crookston Police Chief Darin Selzler explained that today was Chief Beirmaier’s last day in the office as Police Chief and that there were many new applicants to be police officers.

Jake Solberg came forward about news on the community, with one being the town pool being closed until Wednesday due to chemical imbalances, and they needed a new piece to fix it all. And the baseball association came forward with replacing new lights for the baseball field and with a new start-up system to power them all on.

The next City Council meeting will take place on Monday, March 14, at 7:00 p.m. inside the City Hall Council Chambers.

Crookston City Council