Crookston City Council meeting


Donation of the Tri-Valley Building approved by City Council

The Crookston City Council met Monday evening at the council chambers of Crookston City Hall. Items approved on the consent agenda were the minutes from the September 23 and 30 meetings and the payment of bills and disbursements in the amount of $739.382.60.  The board also approved resolutions regarding the City of Crookston Liability Coverage


City Council Approves a New Fire Response Vehicle. IT Director candidate backs out, and they get a Water and Waste Water Presentation

The Crookston City Council met Monday evening at the Crookston City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting started with a Mayoral Proclamation declaring October 7-13, 2024, “(UMC) Maroon and Gold Week.”  WATER AND WASTEWATER RATE STUDY PRESENTATIONThe Council also heard a presentation regarding the Water and Wastewater Utility Rate Study for the City of Crookston.  Miranda


Crookston City Council to Demolish Home on Riverside Avenue

The Crookston City Council met Monday evening in the Crookston City Hall Council Chambers. The Council approved the August 26 meeting minutes and the City of Crookston bills and disbursements of $518,183.00. It also passed a resolution regarding the donation of $18,100.00 from the Crookston Baseball Association and a resolution regarding the approval of the


City Council meets on Monday, followed by a Budget Workshop

The City Council will meet on Monday evening, September 9, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.  Items on the Agenda for the evening are as follows: Consent AgendaApprove Proposed City Council Minutes from August 26, 2024, approve City of Crookston Bills and Disbursements for $518,138.00, a resolution regarding the donations in the amount of $18,100.00

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