The Crookston City Council met on Monday in the City Hall council chambers.

The meeting began with the council reviewing the resolution regarding approving Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) loan guidelines. The currently possesses money that can be made available for re-lending with application approval of small local businesses. “These funds are originally from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Some time ago, the city borrowed money from the USDA,” said City Administrator Corky Reynolds, “They were mainly loans, and they have been paid off. So from earning these loans, the city has money to lend mainly to businesses.”

Businesses that can apply for the funds include newly created businesses, businesses wishing to retain jobs, or businesses looking to make capital improvements. The council established the criteria by which applicants would be judged to make recommendations to approve or deny such applications.

The final item approved on the main agenda was the resolution ordering the preparation of the preliminary engineer’s report for the 2024 street improvements in the city of Crookston. “What the council did tonight was just to call for the city engineer to prepare preliminary reports about designated roadways to be reconstructed,” said Reynolds, “And also what needs to be done and why.”

Over the next two weeks, the city engineer will present a written report, and the city council will have the opportunity to review it. If the council accepts the reports, they can search for bids and receive quotes on the street improvements. The Houston Avenue road is one of the highlighted street improvements for 2024, and it is projected to see a complete reconstruction.

The consent agenda included the approval of minutes from the December 20 city council meeting and the approval of bills and disbursements in the amount of $464,966.03. The consent agenda also included the approval of resolutions regarding a donation for Kids First in 2023, the resolution regarding designating depositories for public funds in 2024, the resolution to appoint Tanner Holten as the City Attorney for 2024, the resolution to appoint Rich Clauson as the City Engineer for 2024, the resolution regarding the approval of the license renewals for 2024, the resolution to designate the City of Crookston Website and Crookston Times as the official newspaper of 2024, the resolution regarding the Confidence Learning Center Application for lawful gambling premises permit at the Crookston Eagles, the resolution providing grants to non-profit organizations for the 2024 calendar year, the resolution regarding appointing the boards or commissioners for 2024, and the resolution regarding the approval of the City Council Committee composition for 2024.

The next city council will take place on Monday, January 22, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall council chambers.

 To watch the full city council meeting, click here.

Crookston City Council