The Crookston City Council will have a Truth in Taxation hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 9 in the Crookston City Hall council chambers. Following the Truth in Taxation hearing, they will have a City Council meeing.
The council meeting agenda includes the approval of the meeting minutes from November 25, bills and disbursements of $334,421, approval of the 2025 liquor licenses for the Irishman’s Shanty, IC Muggs, Captain Crooks, Drafts Sports Bar and Grill, Crookston Inn, Minakwa, and the Crookston Eagles. They will also be asked to approve 3.2 malt liquor license applications from Wal-Mart, Happy Joe’s Pizza and Ice Cream Parlor, Amerivu Inn and Suites, and the Golden Link Senior Center. The council will also be asked to approve a wine license with strong beer authorization for the Golden Link Senior Center.
The council will be asked to approve tobacco licenses to Ampride, M & H, Hugo’s, Superpumper, Holiday, Wal-Mart, Casey’s, and Crookston Smoke.
The regular agenda includes the approval of the in-kind donation of 10 acres of the industrial park to Minnesota Northern Railroad, a cash farm lease at the Industrial Park to BTB Farms, a cash farm lease around the Crookston Sports Center to Ryan Richman, amending MnDOT contract number 1053917 to ADA retrofit and lane reduction of Trunk Highway 2. The Council will also be asked to approve a request for subordination for Building Vision Crookston located at 509 North Main Street, and the approval of a Small Cities Development Program rehabilitation loan funding with respect to Golf Insiders, LLC.
The council will also be asked to adopt the 2025 Calendar of City Council and Ways and Means meetings, and discuss moving the council meeting scheduled for December 23 to December 30.
After the meeting, the council will hold a budget workshop where they will make a decision on what budget to use for 2025.