Crookston City Council to meet on Monday, November 25

The Crookston City Council will meet on Monday, November 25, at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers of Crookston City Hall. 

The meeting will start with a presentation by Ehlers regarding an overview of City funding.

The consent agenda will include the approval of the meeting minutes from November 12, approving bills and disbursements for $405,946.90, and adopting the 2024 street improvement projects, including the reconstruction of Houston Avenue from Hunter Street to South Ash Street, bituminous mill, and overlay of North Broadway from South Sixth Avenue NW to Fisher Avenue, and bituminous mill and overlay of Third Avenue NW from Bruce Street to Old Highway Trunk Highway 75.

There will be a public hearing regarding increased water and wastewater rates for 2025. 

The regular agenda includes the adoption of the proposed assessments for unpaid water and sewer charges and current services, approval of the non-profit organization requests for 2025, a conditional use permit for a retail tobacco store at 1504 University Avenue, a resolution vacating a portion of Fourth Avenue South and Vance Street upon petition of a majority of the landowners. The council will also be asked to approve a resolution to retain an attorney to assist the City of Crookston in evaluating the City Administrator and clarifying the role of the City Council/City Administrator and approve the League of Minnesota Cities Roles and Responsibilities Workshop for the City of Crookston City Council and City Staff.

After the meeting, they will hold a Council Budget workshop to review the preliminary budgets to include facilities.

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