Linda Morgan is Crookston High School’s Leo Club Advisor, during which she leads many students in community service throughout Crookston. But Morgan also dons many other hats organizing activities for homecoming, snowfest, Mr. CHS, and other events throughout the year. In the spring, many of the activities Morgan coordinates are senior centered, including prom activities, and senior skip day, all of which were canceled or postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unable to do those normal activities, Morgan created a video to honor the Class of 2020 using senior photos and answers to questions provided by the students. “I’ve been working on it for about a month,” said Morgan. “Spring is a busy time for my job to do things with the seniors – prom, senior citizen brunch, senior skip day, graduation – and a few other things in there. So, I just wanted to do something, and I contacted a couple of seniors to see what they thought of it, and they liked the idea. So, I just did some brainstorming and put it together. Just put a PowerPoint together and added some things to it. The kids were pretty good about sending me their senior pictures and answering the questions. I had to send three to four emails to some of the kids, and there are some I didn’t get on there, but hopefully, I did recognize them in the last part of the video.”
Through her work, Morgan creates close bonds with many of the students at Crookston High School. Morgan said there have been some tough days without having the kids around, but doing this video made her feel better to accomplish something for the seniors. “I’ve had some tough days, so hopefully, this makes me feel better as a person that I did this because I do a lot of things with the kids,” said Morgan. “This just made me feel better that I accomplished something to spread something for them. Hopefully, they will save it and cherish the little things everybody is doing for them, even though it’s not exactly what they should be getting. Hopefully, they remember the good things happening this spring for them.”
Morgan said she would miss this year’s seniors and wished them the best going forward. “I want to wish them the best,” said Morgan. “They are such a good class, outgoing, so kind. They all have something to offer in this crazy world. I just wish them the best. I will miss them. I will see you and good luck in the fall. This year will be something to remember, the good and the bad.”
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