Crookston held the annual Crazy Days event on Thursday. Erickson Embroidery and 2nd Street Boutiques Steve Erickson said it was good to have traffic all day. “I think it was good,” said Erickson. “Pretty good traffic all day. Even downtown, the food vendors, and different things. A lot of people out and about so it’s good to see.”

With the challenge of being shut down by the state government for part of the year, Erickson said having people come out for Crazy Days was more important this year than others. “It definitely helps,” said Erickson. “I think all businesses appreciate people coming out and visiting their establishment. The Chamber did a good job putting this together, had a good theme. It’s been a good day I think.”

Erickson said he was unsure how the day compared to other Crazy Days but said it was definitely a better day than most have been in 2020.