The Crookston Library is holding an event known as Celebrate the Young Child Collaborative on March 1st at 6:00 p.m., with the theme “Imagine If You Were….. The Very Hungry Caterpillar” in collaboration with the Crookston Alliance for Literacy and Learning (C.A.L.L.) Committee.

The C.A.L.L. Committee is a group of people who work with children and families that come together to plan events to bring children together to participate in various activities of creativity and education based on different famous media sources aimed to help kids learn and grow. C.A.L.L. Committee Chairperson, Francine Olson said, “Every year we think of a new theme for The Celebrate the Young Child group, and this year it was “Imagine If You Were….” And so, then we added three books. We don’t always focus on books; we just do whoever gets inspired and creative to think of the theme. That’s where we go from there,”

This is the second of three events done by the Committee, with the first one happening last September with the theme being “Imagine If You Were….. Where the Wild Things Are” and a third event being held in May at Castle Park. Children from ages 0 to 8 are allowed to come and participate in various activities stationed around the library.

Cassidy Manninen, the Youth Services Librarian, went through the main six events the library will be holding for the children throughout the event, “Some of these events are a Caterpillar Dance, there’s going to be a Caterpillar Walk, which is a floor game, create your own fingerprint art. We’re going to be making a giant caterpillar mural out of tissue paper that’ll be hung up in the library, we’re going to march in a caterpillar parade at the end of the event, and you’ll receive a free book from the C.A.L.L. Committee.” Librarian, Jane Berg will also have an event known as Spanish Story Time, where she will be reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish, which will also be a regular event at the library on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.

The Celebrate the Young Child Collaborative will hold one more event for Celebrate the Young Child Collaborative this May at Castle Park to finish the theme of “Imagine If You Were Going on a Bear hunt.”