The Crookston Parks & Recreation Department announced earlier this week they will be having an upcoming drawing for eight reserved parking spots at the Crookston Sports Center for the following year. The reserved parking spots will be given to the winners of the drawing and will be good from November 1, 2021, to October 31, 2022.

Crookston Park & Recreation Administrative Assistant Andrea Prudhomme is helping run the contest and explained the details more. “These parking spots are good for a whole year starting November 1, 2021,” said Prudhomme. “In the past, we’ve had six spots, and this year we’re adding two more. Each spot is $250 for the entire year, and anyone is welcome to come into City Hall and register.

Prudhomme also shared a few more details with the rules and timeline of the contest. “The drawing for the eight spots will be October 22 at 1:00 p.m. here at City Hall,” said Prudhomme. “So, you can register from now until noon on the 22nd.”

The only way to register is by stopping by City Hall and dropping off a check or cash payment. If your name is not selected for the upcoming year, you will be refunded your money.

The parking spots are in the front near the entrance of the Sports Center, and Prudhomme says it can be very convenient to have your own parking spot during the winter. “It’s freezing up here in the winter,” said Prudhomme. “People who are at the arena every day for practice with their bags of Hockey stuff want to have a shorter walk. People love getting picked for those spots, and it’s been a big hit which is why we added two more spots this year.”

Due to COVID-19, the drawing did not occur last year, and in the previous years, the spots were good for the calendar year. After receiving some feedback from the community, they asked the department if the dates could be switched to align with the start of the skating year.

Other arenas in the area also participate in similar drawings, but Prudhomme isn’t aware of any other buildings or facilities in Crookston that hold drawings for reserved parking spots.

If you have questions about the contest, you can contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 218-281-1242. The drawing will be on Friday, October 22 at 1:00 p.m., and the eight winners will be notified they’ve been selected.