The Crookston School Board approved the hiring a Dean of Students at the Crookston High School at their meeting in the Crookston High School Choir/Orchestra Room on Monday evening. 

The main topic of discussion came during the main agenda.  The board approved the addition of a two-thirds time Dean of Students for the Crookston High School.  “Strategically we have been looking at is how to put the help we need at the high school to manage the discipline and make sure all the referrals are being taking care of and to allow our principal to lead instructionally,” said Superintendent Jeremy Olson. “We were really focused on the management side and we want to free up some time for our admin to do the leadership because that is what gets you the instructional gains, student achievement rising and really the help that our teachers need.”  Superintendent Olson made it clear that adding the Dean of Students won’t increase administration costs. “Actually, there will be a slight reduction based on a retirement that we have been notified of in our administration ranks, which will free up dollars to be used in the Dean of Students position. Just to be clear, no new dollars are going to this new position.”  After approval of the Dean of Students position, the board approved Matthew Torgerson move from a full-time band instructor to two-thirds time Dean of Students and one-third time band instructor.  Torgerson will teach junior high and senior high band along with his dean of student duties.  Torgerson is currently working on his superintendent duties and is more than qualified to be the dean of students according to Crookston School District Superintendent Jeremy Olson. The board unanimously approved both the addition of the Dean of Students and to have Togerson fill the spot.  “The Dean of Students position is, by nature, a disciplinarian.  There is no doubt that there will be other tasks assigned as we work with his strengths,” said Superintendent Olson. “Matt will still teach senior high and junior band.  We are very fortunate to have somebody that is well qualified for the position because he will be fully licensed as a K-12 principal and will soon be fully licensed to be a superintendent also.”
The school district is looking to hire a full-time music position and that position will help with the elementary band. 

Crookston School Board member Tim Dufault said this was a well thought out plan and they should move forward.  Board chair, Frank Fee, said they need to have the principal in the classrooms to improve academics and he has tried to champion for a Dean of Students.  Board member Kari Miller said she was concerned about the process of finding the Dean of Students and Superintendent Olson agreed that it should have been done differently.
The final main agenda item was the approval of the nonrenewal of a teaching contract with Kayla Smith. 

The consent agenda included the approval of minutes from the March 25 regular meeting and April 3 special meeting; approval of current bills. The board was happy to accept donations of $1,000 from Brent Reichert to complete the windscreen project at the Crookston High School Tennis Courts, $1,000 from the Crookston Baseball Association for softball equipment, and $12,737.50 from the Crookston Education.  “One thing that has surprised me about Crookston is how generous the people are,” said Superintendent Olson.
“It is a wonderful surprise to see how generous people are and how much they care about the public schools.  The only thing I can really offer to the people giving the donations is a big Thank you!”

The board accepted retirement letters from Karen Hanson, a paraprofessional at the high school; Jackie Lindsay, a paraprofessional at the high school; and a retirement letter from Donald Cox, boys’ head soccer coach. “We are always sad to see people of that caliber go,” said Superintendent Olson. “At the same time it is an exciting, fun and challenging time for them and we are excited to see them move into their retirement but sad to see them go.”

The board accepted resignation letters from Michelle Hulst, administrative assistant at Highland School; Andrew Biermaier, a 4th-grade teacher at Highland; Tori Demarais, as assistant girls’ hockey coach; from Kristen Alston, an English teacher at the high school; and from Chelsie Johnson, an administrative assistant at the high school.  The board approved employment with James Bregier, as a custodian at the high school and Dixie Sele, as a sixth-grade teacher at Highland.  School Board member Dave Davidson asked if it seemed to be a big number of moves and Board Chair Frank Fee said that with one meeting a month instead of two meetings like they previously had, it will likely be more than previous meetings.  Andrew Biermaier is leaving after his fiancé was accepted into a Veterinary school in Missouri and he will move with her.  Kristen Alston’s husband got a job in the Twin Cities as a law enforcement officer and they will be moving, and Chelsie Johnson got a job at the University of North Dakota.  Superintendent Olson said it is tough to see them leave, but he wishes all of them well in the various opportunities they have.

The Crookston School District will be busy with a public input meeting on the long-term plan of the district on Tuesday at the Crookston High School Commons at 5:30 p.m.  The public is invited to help shape the future of the school district.  There will be free pizza and child care available (For Kindergarten through third graders) during the meeting.  “We want to get a good cross section of Crookston to help us become a better school.  We want to better understand what the community wants us to do and help shape the future of the school district,” said Superintendent Olson.
On Wednesday, April 24, the Long-Range planning committee will meet and take the staff input and public input to help develop the five-year master plan and extra-curricular activities and the possible cutting of some of the sports will be one of the topics at the meeting.
On Thursday, April 25, the School Bus Garage committee will view the architect’s tentative bus garage design. 

The next scheduled Crookston School Board meeting is on Tuesday, May 28 at 5:00 p.m. in the Crookston High School choir/orchestra room.
There will be a special board meeting on Monday, May 13 at 5:00 p.m. in the district office conference room.  A long-range planning meeting will immediately follow.