The Crookston School Board will meet Monday night at 5:00 p.m. in the large group room at Highland Elementary School (HES).  The main agenda includes approving the faculty handbooks for Crookston High School (CHS) and HES.  The board will also receive a report from Superintendent Jeremy Olson. 

The consent agenda includes approval of prior minutes and approving the current bills along with many personnel requests.  Resignations on the agenda are Jessica Curry, a paraprofessional at CHS; Madison Crane, an aide at Washington Elementary School (WES); Anna Alme, ELL Instructor.  The board will approve the employment of: Meagen Solie, Social Studies Instructor at CHS; Renae Myszkowski, English Instructor at CHS; Mary Wessman, paraprofessional; Rosa Argueta Frazee, ELL Instructor; Serenity Adams, paraprofessional; Travis Oliver, Industrial Tech Instructor at CHS; LaDonna Peterson, .33 FTE Phy Ed Instructor at WES; Bobbie Jo Hebert, .83 FTE VPK Teacher at WES; Rochelle Chaput, a SR/VPK aide at WES; Matthew Torgerson, .30 FTE Band/.70 FTE Dean of Students.  There is one leave of absence request for Cindy Fahser.  The consent agenda also includes lane advance requests and the acceptance of grants/donations.