Staff in the Crookston School District are busy preparing packets, Chromebooks, and other devices for checkout to students beginning Wednesday.  Checkout of technology and pickup of packets prepared by the teachers will be Wednesday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day.  We have information from each school and the principal below –

Crookston High School Principal Eric Bubna said they used a survey to identify students that need a device and will have those ready when the parents come in.  “We’re going to have Chromebook checkouts Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,” said Bubna.  “We’ll be open to 6:00 p.m. each of those evenings if there are any parents that need to come in and get a device for their kids.  We did a survey for kids – who needs a device – so if you’re kids said they needed one come into the school between 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, and we’ll get you’re Chromebook checked out.”

Bubna also said some teachers have been putting together packets for projects in their classes. “We still have a week of preparation, but teachers are working hard to get stuff up online,” said Bubna. “And we’re trying to figure out that physical material stuff that kids need – who needs a device, Mrs. Boll is working on sending home a project for kids so they can do some tech stuff at home. We’re trying to get everything ready, so we’re all set for Monday.”

Bubna added that the staff is working on the distance learning to deliver education to the students, not to have the parents teaching their kids. “We are trying to set this up with the understanding parents are at work, they’re not home to do this with their kids,” said Bubna.  “We’re not expecting parents to be teaching their kids.  This isn’t like you’re on vacation, and your kid needs math help, and you have to help them.  We’re trying to deliver instruction online.  There is going to have lectures online, and the staff is going to be available online to do live chats with kids that need help.  I’ve heard a lot of parents that are concerned – what if I don’t know to do algebra – and as we get more things put in place, we’ll get that information out.  I’m confident our teachers are going to be able to give all the kids the support they need.”

The number for Crookston High School is 281-2144. 

Highland Elementary Principal Chris Trostad said teachers at Highland had been asked to notify parents if there is any information to be picked up for their classes in addition to those parents that need to pick up devices. “At Highland School, we’ve sent home a technology survey to identify how many devices each parent needs to pick up so that each child can have their own device for distance learning,” said Trostad.  “From 8 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, parents can check out the devices and also be given a packet of information if there is information to go home with parents.  I’ve asked the teachers to email parents if there is no packet to be picked up and if they do not need a device. We don’t need to be wasting their time to be picked up, and the parents filled out the technology survey, so they know if they need a device.”

Highland Elementary is closed to the public, so Trostad asked that parents call ahead to pick up devices or packets so school staff can have them ready to go.  “If parents could call us 10 minutes before coming to let us know, and the names, we’ll have everything ready to go,” said Trostad.  “We’ll exchange the packet of information and the electronic device for a technology form that has to be filled.  All you need to do is sign your name, and we’ll hand you the device and the packet of information and try to make that exchange as quickly as we can.  We have closed the building to outside visitors, so the only ones allowed in would be the employees and the students in the daycare.  So, parents will have to wait outside, but if you call us 10 minutes in advance, we should be able to exchange a piece of paper, you sign it, we’ll give you the device and the packets.”

Trostad said that teachers will have daily interaction with kids and that it is their responsibility to teach the students, not the parents. “Teachers have been working hard preparing for this, trying to simplify this for parents,” said Trostad.  “The big message is distance learning is not the parents having to teach the kids.  Our teachers have been preparing, and our teachers will be teaching the kids and available for help via email, phone, maybe video chat, those types of things.  Our teachers need to have daily interaction with kids.  It’s not the parent’s responsibility to teach the children during this distance learning; that’s the teacher’s job.  They’ve been preparing for this, and we’re hopeful this all goes well for the kids at home once they get into Gmail or Seesaw.  We’ve tried to limit the programs to just a couple, so we think that once the kids can get in that, they should be able to do all the work.  Teachers will be available for help during the normal contracted times.  They may send out a schedule that they would not be available for lunch or during their prep time.”

The number for Highland School is 281-5600.

Washington School will also have a checkout period Wednesday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, Principal Denice Oliver said they are still working out details at Washington. 

The number for Washington School is 281-2762. 

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