The Crookston Ways & Means Committee will meet Monday night following the Crookston City Council Meeting. The committee will discuss several topics beginning with a request from the new owners of North Acres and Carmen Terrace mobile home parks to have city garbage collection.  The parks had previously been contracted out as a commercial property. The new owner will be available by teleconference for questions from the committee.

Next on the agenda is the renewal of the cash farm lease for 111 acres at $90 per acre with the University of Minnesota Crookston with an automatic renewal in 2023 with both party’s consent. The City of Crookston also received a quote for $36,983 for resurfacing tennis courts and the committee will be asked to approve moving forward.

The City of Crookston has also received some interest in the vacant lot at 110 Lincoln, which the council had previously taken ownership of and had a derelict home removed last fall.  The committee will be asked to approve putting the parcel up for public bid.  The final item on the agenda for discussion is reviewing the 2021 budget process and calendar.