People flocked to the University of Minnesota Crookston campus mall to enjoy two and a half hours of fun and connections with Crookston’s 19th Annual Nite 2 Unite. The campus was full of booths, games, prizes, and activities for families to partake in with Crookston and Polk County first responders and other organizations around the county. Activities included raffle prizes, a dunk tank, a watermelon eating contest, and demonstrations from the Crookston Fire and Police Department.
Pictures of the event can be seen below-
A line of Crookston and Polk County first responder vehicles
The Minnesota National Guard’s rock climbing wall
The petting zoo with goats for kids to pet
Fire Department Captain Bob Magsam at the dunk tank
The center of the campus
A line of bikes that were raffle rewards
Children inside the Tri-County Correction Center’s Old Fisher Jail
A child safe archery range run by the Rydell National Wildlife Refuge
The watermelon eating contest is underway
The Crookston Police high-fiving a winner of the 7-11 Watermelon eating contest
The Crookston Championship Taedwondo giving a presentation
The Salvation Army making root beer floats
Crookston City Council and Parks and Recreations booth
The Crookston Police Department’s and Polk County Sheriff Department’s booths
The Crookston Fire Department at their booth
The Crookston Classic Cruisers passing through the campus
The Crookston Fire Department putting up their decontamination demonstration
The Crookston Fire Department’s decontamination demonstration
People awaiting raffle winners to be called while enjoying food from food trucks