The Crookston School Board will meet Monday, June 22 at 5 p.m. in the choir/orchestra room at Crookston High School. The consent agenda includes approving minutes from the May 26 regular meeting and June 3 special meeting, approving current bills, and approving a local literacy plan for 2020-2021.
Also, on the consent agenda are the following personnel items: approve employment agreement with Rick Niemala, transportation, building & grounds director; and approve letters of assignment with Mike Delorme, bus mechanic, and Nancy Nottestad, payroll accountant/fiscal services.
The main agenda includes approving membership with the Minnesota Rural Education Association for 2020-2021, approving housing incentive abate for the City of Crookston for 2020-2021, approving the preliminary 2020-2021 budget, and approving a $.05 increase in school lunch prices for elementary, high school, and adult prices.
The board will also hear reports from Denice Oliver, Washington School Principal, Chris Trostad, Highland School Principal, Eric Bubna, High School Principal, and Superintendent Jeremy Olson.