The Golden Link Senior Center in Crookston offers lots of activities and games for seniors aged 55 or older. Rand Hughes is the current President of the Golden Link and has been in the role since 2012.

Hughes is offering a new class for Golden Link members as of this January, Guitar Lessons. “I wanted to do something for seniors that goes along with our theme of getting people involved with things,” said Hughes. “Music definitely falls into that category, and that’s why I wanted to offer this class. The guitar is an excellent thing to do when you’re sitting at home, and you’re lonely, and it’s a very versatile skill to have.”

The class started this January and is offered on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Golden Link. Hughes currently has three students, but with the class just beginning, Hughes says he is still taking new students as of now. “It just started, so people can still signup if they want to. I’ve never been a believer in teaching one song and then moving on to the next; instead, I’m teaching them to read music,” said Hughes. “It’s been interesting because most guitar players can play guitar well but can’t read music.”

It doesn’t matter if you’ve played an instrument before or have little to no experience with music at all; Hughes says he will teach anyone who wants to learn how to play guitar. The one requirement that Hughes asks of anyone who wants to take his class, or any other class the Golden Link has to offer, is that they become a member. “We would prefer if people were members. We are allowed to have guests, but really it’s for members only,” said Hughes. “To be a member, you need to be at least 55 years of age, but that’s the only requirement that needs to be met.”

There is a yearly fee of $20 for anyone who wants to become a member. Hughes also noted that once this class ends, he would be more than happy to start another class for anyone who would be interested in learning guitar. For more information on the class, how to become a member or other activities offered at the Golden Link, you can visit the Golden Link at 324 North Main Street in Crookston or call 218-281-3072. Regular Hours for the Golden Link are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays.