Summer Goulet advanced in the Regional Spelling Bee Wednesday in Thief River Falls and will now compete in the Multi-Regional Spelling be in Fergus Falls on February 19.
Goulet, an eighth-grader won the Crookston District Spelling Bee on January 25.  

UPDATED – 2/8/19 10:37 a.m.


Northwest Service Cooperative of Thief River Falls, sponsored the Regional Spelling Bee which was held on Wednesday, February 6th at Northland Community & Technical College in Thief River Falls.  Advancing from local and district competitions, 37 winning spellers from 30 schools in Region 1 & 2 participated in the Regional Bee.  All spellers participated in a written round in the morning with the top 21 spellers advancing to an oral round in the afternoon.

The top four spellers advancing to the Multi-Regional State Spelling Bee on February 19 in Fergus Falls include: (from left to right) Summer Goulet, Grade 8, from Crookston School District, Amrit Bhutani, Grade 6, from Sacred Heart School, East Grand Forks; Elizabeth Gust, grade 8, from Greenbush/Middle River School District, and Sydney LaVoi, Grade 8, from Bemidji School District. They compete at the State Spelling Bee in Fergus Falls at the Lakes Country Service Cooperative on February 19th.

The champion speller of the Multi-Regional State Spelling Bee will compete in the National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C.

Additional district winning spellers competing in the Regional Spelling Bee included: Colby Syverson, Ada-Borup SD#2854; Ayden Hagen, Bagley School District; Hayden Fisher,   Bemidji SD#31 – Middle; Sydney LaVoi, Bemidji SD#31 – Middle; Abigail Burrow, Bemidji SD#31 – Middle;  Madeline  Ophus, Bemidji SD#31 – Middle; Brynn Burmeister, Blackduck SD#32; Landon Gazelka, Clrbrk/Gonvick SD#2311; Summer Goulet, Crookston SD #593-Highland Elem; Alex Kuenzli, EGF SD#595; Zachery GeMar, EGF SD#595; Logan Ekstein, Fertile/Beltrami SD#599; Danika Motl, Fisher School; Elizabeth Gust, G/MR SD#2683; Chantal Grindeland, Goodridge SD#561;Emily Johnson, Grygla SD#447; Kyleigh  Campbell, Lancaster SD#356; Lilly Smith, LOW SD#390; Travis Clark, Mahnomen SD#432-Elem; Spencer Brein, MCC SD#441 Elementary; Seth Miller, NCE SD#2215; Sarah Boettcher, Nevis SD#308;  Cyrus Thomopoulos, So. Koochiching – Indus; Kiera Demoret, Park Rapids SD#309; Adam Bruce, Park Rapids SD#309; Emma Hendrickson,RLCC SD#2906; Wyatt Cummings, Roseau SD#682; Paige Boyer, Roseau SD#682; Claire McGlynn, SAC SD#2856; Amrit Bhutani, Sacred Heart School; Erick Haskell, St. Philip’s School; Naomi Johnston, Thief River Falls; Jace Erickson, Thief River Falls; Jerilyn Pietruszewski, Tri-County SD#2358; Jenetta Pageler, W/A/O SD#2176; Cleighton Hoban, Waubun/WhE/O SD#435; Sydney Svalen, Win-E-Mac SD#2609;                   

The Multi-Region State Spelling Bee will include Regional Spelling Bee winners from the following Service Cooperative regions: Region 1 & 2 – Northwest Service Cooperative, Thief River Falls; Region 3 – Northeast Service Cooperative, Mt. Iron; Region 4 – Lakes Country Service Cooperative, Fergus Falls; Region 5 – Resource Training & Solutions, St. Cloud; and Regions 6 and 8 – Southwest/West Central Service Cooperatives, Marshall. 

The Spelling Bee is a series of competitions for students in grades 5-8 beginning at the classroom level and progressing on to district, region, state and national levels.  Benefits for students include improved spelling, increased vocabulary, learning concepts, developing correct English usage, developing poise in public performance and community recognition for participation.

Four Regional Winners – Goulet on left
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