Get to know Crookston Area Chamber Board Member of the month, Angie Smith.

How long have you served on the Crookston Area Chamber Board of Directors? I have been serving on the Crookston Chamber Board of Directors for the past 18 months – started in January 2018.

What has been your proudest moment while serving? I thought it was so wonderful to see the members of the Crookston community come out to show support at the annual Chamber celebration. The place was packed!

Name something you have learned since serving on the Chamber Board. I will admit I was naive to what the Chamber could/should do. Prior to serving on the Board, it was just another organization to me and I knew I paid dues. I have learned that the Crookston Chamber has so many hats to wear and does such a great job supporting our local businesses. From leadership programming to National Teacher week to helping businesses promote themselves and everything in between, the Chamber seems to be involved.

Please share your thoughts on the importance of being a Chamber member. Crookston is a great place to live and work. Supporting your local Crookston Chamber is a declaration that your business (or you as an individual) is proud to be in Crookston and proud to lift up and support other Crookston businesses.

Tell us about your family and what you do for a living. I am part owner and optometrist at the Crookston and Fosston eye clinics. I love what I do and I love getting to know people at a one-on-one level. I’ve been married to my husband Nathan for almost 17 years. He is a GIS Specialist for Polk County. During our early years of marriage, Nate always had a commute and one huge highlight when moving to Crookston 10 years ago was a 5 minutes commute for both of us! We have 4 awesome kids that occupy our after-work hours. Our oldest daughter is at CHS as a 7th grader this year. Our next daughter and son are students at Cathedral school and the “baby” is a preschooler at Cathedral.

If you could be a professional athlete which sport would you choose? My dream job as a child was to become a professional skier. It was a hard truth to learn that when you grow up in the Red River Valley and visits a mountain once every other…I had to look at other career options.

We all have “quirks” what is one of yours? I love glasses (Even more than shoes).