The Polk County Board of Commissioners met inside the Polk County Government Center on Tuesday morning. The agenda featured Mike Norland of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Jacob Snyder of Planning and Zoning, Polk County Engineer Richard Sanders, Michelle Cote of Property Records, and Polk County Administrator Chuck Whiting.


Norland addressed the board in place of Polk County Sheriff James Tadman and sought approval from the board to fill an open Sergeant Position with a start date of March 1. “We have Sergeant Scott Bixby’s retirement coming up at the end of February, and we are looking to find someone to replace him,” said Norland. “He has been with us for quite a few years, so it’s tough to see him go, but we would like to get that position filled as soon as possible. We’re going to try and fill that spot from our ranks within, and we have many good officers to choose from.”

The board approved the request unanimously. Norland also gave the board a monthly report from the Sheriff’s department for December. Norland noted the numbers in December are similar, with the highlights being an uptick in wellness checks and a decrease in traffic stops. There were 13 wellness checks conducted in December and 70 traffic stops. Norland also discussed that transportation numbers in 2021 increased from 2020 but remained lower than the numbers in 2018 and 2019. The total transportation miles logged in 2021 came in at 91,454, compared to 77,854 in 2020. The report from Norland was informational, and no action was needed from the board.


Jacob Snyder of Planning and Zoning then brought before the board one item, and it was informational only. The board and Snyder discussed the Planning Commission Board of Adjustment appointees for Commissioners Gerald Jacobson and Mark Holly. Representatives for Holly and Jacobson are at the end of their terms, and Snyder was asking if Holly and Jacobson could find replacements as soon as possible. After some discussion, both Jacobson and Holly told Snyder they would continue searching for a permanent replacement. Snyder is hopeful they will have replacements by February 25, when the next meeting is scheduled.


Polk County Engineer Richard Sanders had two items for the board. The first was to approve the abandonment of a one-mile stretch in County Ditch 25, located in Fanny Township. A public hearing was held on December 21, 2021, and the board requested more information before deciding, which Sanders was now able to provide. “The board back on December 21, tabled this item and wanted more information. So, I worked with the county attorney to help answer the board’s questions,” said Sanders. “After that, they were able to vote on it and agreed to approve the resolution. Nothing crazy because of this resolution, simply put that part of the ditch is now abandoned for the property owners.”

The board approved the abandonment of the ditch 4-1, with Commissioner Mark Holly voting against it. Holly expressed concern stating he fears other landowners will request similar action in the future and that the line needs to be drawn somewhere. The other item Sanders had was for the board to approve the purchase of new GPS units used by the Highway and Ditch departments. The board approved the purchase of two units, with the trade-in of the current units factored in for the total cost to then equal $47,579.40.


Michelle Cote of Property Records then presented a Memorandum of Agreement for the board to approve. “The agreement is between the University of Minnesota Extension and Polk County. As a part of our budget discussions this year, we added a half-time support staff person, and this agreement was determining if the positions would be a county or university position,” said Cote. “It has been determined that it will be a university half-time position, and the agreement that was signed today is just the funding mechanism so that Polk County will fund the position as we do with all the other extension positions.”

The board approved the agreement unanimously. Cote also sought the board to approve a compliance fund expenditure for the assessment team to receive new chairs. The board approved the purchase of six new chairs for the assessment team for $2,579.12. The purchase will be made from compliance funds.


Polk County Administrator Chuck Whiting then asked the board to approve setting the Capital Improvements Plan Public Hearing for Tuesday, March 1, at 10:00 a.m. The board tabled the matter last meeting so that every Commissioner could vote on the meeting date, and after a brief discussion, the board voted unanimously to hold the public hearing on March 1.

The last item was revisiting the American Rescue Plan funds. Whiting updated the board on the different potential uses of the funds now that smaller entities like Polk County can use the money for anything that is considered lost revenue. The board heard a brief presentation from Whiting, and more discussion will be had in the upcoming weeks to narrow down the best use of the funds. The expiration date on the funds is December 2024.

The next meeting will take place on February 1, at 8:00 a.m., inside the Polk County Government Center.

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