Polk County Commissioner Hear From Jeff Evers and Susie Novak

Polk County Commissioners met on Tuesday and approved conditional use permits for Randy Bosma of Grand Forks to construct an accessory structure on Union Lake and for Michael Gornowicz of Manvel to construct an accessory structure on Union Lake. Both will be hooked up to a new septic system.

Jeff Evers requested a rezoning for the former Glenmore Recovery Center on Highway 2 East of Crookston from agricultural to commercial which was granted by the commissioners for a possible multi-living facility. This property involves section 23 in Crookston Township and section 4 in Fairfax township.
Jon Steiner, Environmental Services Director had an update on the transfer station project and other work done over the summer. “The transfer station is coming along very slowly and the weather is not cooperating, the sheeting is going up and it is much slower than anticipated but mid-November is the goal,” said Steiner. “The cell at the landfill is wrapped up and waste is going in. the compost facility is mostly done but needs to cure and the wet weather doesn’t help, the project in Fosston has equipment going in now and should be ready by November 15.” He also reported on a grant of $296,000 for the organics collection system purchase for six counties.
Susie Novak, executive director of the North Country Food Bank had a request of the commissioners for assistance with their building project, “We are starting the pre-design phase of our $6 million project that required state bonding funding and we have to go look at the options for the building to get state approval so we just completed that and the county signed off for us,” said Novak. “We have $3 million in bonding and need to match it dollar for dollar. We have $800,000 now and $1.2 million in grant requests which we are waiting to hear on and we are writing more grant requests now, we have to have the $3 million to get the $3 million, we hope to get the money by the spring of 2019 and get started on the building in the summer.”
Higher Ground of East Grand Forks was the low bidder for a structure removal at the Maple Lake Park for $21,600. A public hearing was held on county ditch number 42 to add the property to be assessed in Farley and Brislet Townships. A public hearing was held on the county five-year highway construction plan. Several residents of BRandsvold Township had concerns about 202 and 203 roads which will be reconstructed in 2021 after many years of problems due to heavy rains.