Polk County Commissioners Meeting News

The Polk County Commissioners met on Tuesday in the chambers at the Government Center during which they approved two conditional use permits, a couple of change orders for the transfer station and received an update on the buffer zoning project.
Jacob Snyder, Director for Planning and Zoning, reminded the board that all public waters and ditches need to have the buffer in place by the November 1 deadline. “Farmers should contact the Water and Soil Conservation District for information on where they are needed,” said Snyder. “As long as landowners have stopped in and we begin working towards creating the buffer prior to November 1 we can work with them for up to a year to ensure all the land is compliant.”
The commissioners also approved two conditional use permits for county citizens. Marlow Johnson was approved to connect a septic system to an accessory structure on Maple Lake. Dan and DeAnn Donarksi received approved to build an accessory structure of more than 800 square feet on an unnamed lake.
The commissioners also approved change orders to the transfer station in Crookston for the wiring of canopy lights, tipping floor slop and additional framing supports for the mezzanine.

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