UPDATE 6/5/20 5:00 p.m.

Because of COVID-19 concerns, the Polk County Museum in Crookston is closed until further notice.

“We had intended to open the museum June 16, but we’re keeping it closed in compliance with executive orders from Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and guidelines from the Minnesota Historical Society,” said Polk County Historical Society President Anne Muir of Crookston. “Museums are considered entertainment venues according to the governor’s executive orders.”

The Polk County Historical Society Board met June 4 and made the decision to keep the museum closed.

“Although the state is slowly reopening, we’re only entering phase three of four phases as stipulated by the governor,” Muir said.

The Historical Society operates the museum as part of its mission to collect, preserve, promote and communicate the history of Polk County. For more information, call  (218) 281-1038 or email polkcounty@q.com.


The Polk County Museum in Crookston will open for the season on Tuesday, June 16. Regular museum hours are Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. and Sundays by appointment. Admission is free and everyone is welcome.

Many of the displays have been updated or revised. The main entrance has been completely refurbished and now has a mural of Polk County with historic sites and events highlighted. “People will be surprised at the many changes in the museum. If someone hasn’t been in it lately or if they’ve never visited the museum, this summer is a great time for them to get acquainted with the colorful history of our county,” said Polk County Historical Society President Anne Muir of Crookston.

The Historical Society operates the museum as part of its mission to collect, preserve, promote and communicate the history of Polk County. For more information, call  (218) 281-1038 or email polkcounty@q.com, and visit the website at www.mnhistoricnw.org or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/polkhistorical