The Polk County TRIAD will have their annual supper fundraiser, Taste of Italy, Wednesday, July 17 at the Golden Link.  Polk County TRIAD is a partnership between the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, the Crookston Police Department, the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), and AARP to address safety issues which affect older persons and enhancing the delivery of law enforcement services to them.

TRIAD functions to help the senior community know who their law enforcement is; introduce seniors to community resources to assist in their needs; provide information to help seniors protect themselves. Those functions are intended to improve the quality of life for seniors, according to Crookston Police Chief Paul Biermaier. “TRIAD is basically about educating adults about safety,” said Biermaier.  “TRIAD is law enforcement – the police department and sheriff’s department – working together with community resources and seniors to improve the quality of life for seniors.”

According to Biermaier, the TRIAD offers various education/information program, including their – File of Life – program.  “Probably our most prevalent program is called the – File of Life – that has pertinent medical information for residents on a magnetic sticker,” said Biermaier. “So when the ambulance or police go to the house for some type of incident, their medical information is in this little file on the fridge or someplace like that. We try to do some speaker presentations, which vary.  And we’re looking at trying to branch out and do them in a few other towns in the county, maybe a few other places here in town.”

The fundraiser helps for supplies for the programs and raises funds for people to attend the state conference. “One of the past programs that TRIAD has done is the house number project to make sure that houses have big enough numbers that law enforcement and emergency services can see,” said Biermaier.  “The TRIAD supper helps us to raise a little bit of money for those things.  It also helps us pay for people to go to the state TRIAD conference that moves around the state.”

The Taste of Italy supper is held annually as the TRIAD fundraiser, along with Biermaier’s highlight, the bake sale. “This is our annual fundraiser called the – Taste of Italy – supper,” said Biermaier.  “We also do a bake sale at that.  Supper is spaghetti, sauce, garlic bread, tossed salad.  The bake sale is really good.  That is my highlight of the evening because of all the good stuff that is there. We try to raise a little bit of money every year for a few things for TRIAD. The supper is on Wednesday the 17th at the Golden Link from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  It’s a free will donation.  Bake sale is going on during the whole time.”

Ice cream, beer, and wine will also be available.